TC: Oh come on, you believe that? Magnum: No! But it's possible! TC: It's also possible that I might hook up with Diana Ross, but I ain't counting on it. TC: (slowly and with emphasis) Why hasn't she contacted you? Magnum: Well, it would all have been pretty traumatic, maybe she has amnesia. Magnum: Well, I will try and revert to type. Higgins: Well with anyone else it wouldn't be, but with you, one must be suspicious. Magnum: I'm sorry Higgins, I didn't know that was bad. Quotes Higgins: Magnum, I don't know if you're pulling my leg as yanks put it, or not. Soon-Tek Oh as General Nguyen Hue (as Soon-Teck Oh).Michelle, Magnums wife, is back and she asks Thomas to take care of her daughter. John Hillerman as Jonathan Quayle Higgins III With Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Roger E.Tom Selleck as Thomas Sullivan Magnum IV.Selleck and Universal Pictures donated the iconic ring to the museum after the original series. I knew her best from Magnum PI, where she made a huge impression and impact playing Michelle, Tom Selleck's wife. Tom Selleck and Marta DuBois on the set of Magnum, P.I. In this feature-length, two-part story, Magnum must come to terms with his past when he catches a glimpse of the woman he married during the Vietnam war - a woman he believed was murdered. So sorry and sad to hear of Marta's sudden passing. At 77, the actor who admitted to being like his dad exudes energy and positivity he refuses to dye his hair and still commits himself to farm work. As he becomes more and more desperate to find her, he is suddenly and suspiciously recalled for active Navy duty and ordered to testify in Washington. Even though his body has succumbed to aging naturally and has 'let him down,' Tom Selleck seems to have taken the elixir of life.

Magnum thinks he's spotted his one true love Michelle, the woman he married six years earlier during his last tour in Vietnam and thought to have been lost in a bombing raid.